EastWest PLAY 6+音色库

R2R把15年没被破解的ew干掉了 好莱坞也指日可待?

EastWest PLAY 6+音色库插图

EastWest自豪地宣布了PLAY的第6个版本,它的性能得到了重大升级。PLAY 6是迄今为止最快的版本,由于采用了优化的引擎,加载时间得到了极大的改善。

“这是对PLAY引擎的一次大规模升级,”EastWest的创始人和制作人Doug Rogers说。”强大的用户将特别欣赏针对SSD和基于PCIe的闪存的特殊优化设置。我们真的为我们能够做出的改进感到自豪。”

PLAY 6还包括一系列令人印象深刻的专业音频处理工具。SSL/EW FX全球套件,价值99美元,现在免费提供给所有PLAY 6用户。这套正宗的SSL工具包括滤波器、均衡器、压缩器、门/扩展器、瞬态整形器和立体声总线压缩器。EastWest还为EastWest Convolution Reverb提供了726个新的混响脉冲。

此外,EastWest Goliath系列还免费提供了一个放大器模拟器和Ohmicide多段失真(价值99美元),该系列包含了EastWest产品系列中的数百种各类乐器,还有许多Goliath特有的乐器。对于电影/电视/游戏作曲家或寻找更前卫的声音的音乐家来说,这种强大的组合使用真正的乐器而不是振荡器作为来源,开辟了一个新的可能性世界。在接下来的一周里,EastWest将为没有这个令人难以置信的系列的人提供Goliath的50%折扣。

随着 PLAY 6 的发布,EastWest 很高兴地宣布,所有 ComposerCloud 的订阅现在都支持 PayPal。订阅者不再需要信用卡来访问整个EW系列超过10,000种获奖的虚拟乐器。

要下载 PLAY 6 和 Goliath 乐器更新,请到 EastWest 支持中心。

EastWest  25 周年大合集音色包
EastWest 通过一个特别的 25th Anniversary Collection (25 周年虚拟乐器合集)来庆祝 25 周年。这个捆绑的音色包含 30 个之前发布的的产品,但所有的音色都重新设计,并且重新编程使其能在 PLAY 软件中工作。
这些音色中多数都与最初发布相比有很大的技术进步。比如,构建鼓组(单独的 Loop 构成要素)以及多通道鼓组现在在 PLAY 混音器中都有不同的通道,允许用户混音和定制所有东西。然后速度可以通过你的音序器控制。PLAY 软件业包含很多以前最初发布中难以获得的音色塑形工具。

EastWest proudly announces the 6th version of PLAY, boasting a major performance upgrade. PLAY 6 is the fastest version to date with dramatically improved load times thanks to an optimized engine.


This is a massive upgrade to the PLAY engine,” says Doug Rogers, founder and producer of EastWest. “Power users in particular will appreciate the special optimization settings for SSDs and PCIe-based flash storage. We’re really proud of the improvements we were able to make.”


PLAY 6 also includes an impressive array of professional audio processing tools: The SSL\/EW FX Global Suite, a $99 value, is now included for free to all PLAY 6 users. This collection of authentic SSL tools includes a filter, EQ, compressor, gate/expander, transient shaper and stereo bus compressor. EastWest has also included 726 new reverb impulses for the EastWest Convolution Reverb.


Additionally, an Amp Simulator and the Ohmicide multi-band distortion ($99 value) are included free for the EastWest Goliath collection which contains hundreds of instruments of all types from the EastWest product range, and many more unique to Goliath. For film/TV/games composers or musicians looking for a more edgy sound, this powerful combination opens up a new world of possibilities using real instruments as the source instead of oscillators. For the next week, EastWest is going to be offering Goliath for 50% off for anyone that doesn’t have this incredible collection.


With the release of PLAY 6, EastWest is pleased to announce that all ComposerCloud subscriptions are now supported by PayPal. Subscribers no longer need a credit card to access the entire EW collection of over 10,000 award-winning virtual instruments.


To download PLAY 6 and the Goliath instrument update, go to the EastWest Support Center.
(bank不全 或许会慢慢更新? )

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8 条回复 A文章作者 M管理员
  1. 卡莉🥀
  2. SH4D0WM

    好莱坞小提独奏和StormDrum2也放入了 后续如果没有这个等级的大件可能就懒得更新了

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